OPEN 22:00 / DOOR 2000yen(1d) / W/F 1500yen(1d)
KENJI HASEGAWA (GALLERY)(- 2nd Wednesday -)
MOO (consiousness)(- 3rd Wednesday -)
2nd wednesday with KENJI HASEGAWA
3rd Wednesday with MOO and YUKI TERADA
TreeはDJ NORIが主宰する唯一無二のパーティです。オープンからラスト照明が上がるまで、DJ NORIの膨大なレコードコレクションの中から、 その日その日に合った音楽を選曲。ここには『いい音楽』を愛する人達が集合している。「人々が集まってきて、木が大きくなって、みんなが集まる『木』Music Treeになればという気持ちを込めて」。
毎週水曜日休むことなく開催し、旧Loopで開催されてた伝説のパーティSmokerから数えると今年で20年になる。第2週を長谷川賢司、第3週はMOO・YUKI TARADAがメインDJとして、DJ NORIを軸にTreeの枝をさらに伸ばしていきます。
オープンからラスト照明が上がるまで、DJ NORIの膨大なレコードコレクションの中からその日その日に合った音楽を選曲。音楽で広がり繋がってゆく輪、音に導かれ足下から指先まで体で音を感じる素晴らしさ、そして音の冒険をお楽しみください。
’79年DJスタート。’86年に渡米。PARADISE GARAGEでLARRY LEVANと出会い、NYの人気クラブで共にプレイする。’90年伝説のクラブ、GOLDオープニングのため帰国。レジデントDJとして活躍しつつ、海外での活動も平行して続ける。ドキュメンタリー・フィルム『MAESTRO』では、世界のダンスミュージック・シーンに最も影響を与えたパイオニアとして、LARRY LEVAN、DAVID MANCUSO、 FRANKIE KNUCKLES、NICKY SIANO、FRANCIS GRASSOらと共に出演を果たす。’06年12月、初のミックス・アルバム『LOFT MIX』を<LIQUID RECORDINGS>よりリリース。そして’09年、彼のキャリア集大成ともいえる”DJ NORI 30TH ANNIVERSARY”を2月新木場ageHaにて、そして5月恵比寿LIQUIDROOMにて開催し、11月には青山LOOPにて、前人未到の30時間ロングセット達成という偉業を成しとげる。さらに2013年6月より青山ZEROにて新パーティ<Tree>を始動するなど精力的に活動を続ける。音楽のかけ方、音楽そのものの表現方法を知っている世界の至宝。
DJ NORI has been a top DJ for 30 years and still has full influence power in club music scene.
Started his DJ career in 1979, moved to NY in 1986. He met Larry Levan playing legendary club “Paradise Garage”. Since then, he starts playing with Larry at famous clubs in NY. Through their friendship, DJ NORI spent his NY life with David Mancuso, Walter Gibbons, Danny Kirivit, Timmy Resisford, Little Louis Vega, Nick Jones and Francois K etc…
He experienced the moment that “Paradise Garage”, Larry Levan, music and culture which were born in SOHO had turned to a big scene at that age.
You can see how DJ NORI took an active part in that scene from a film “MAESTRO” (film by JOSELL RAMOS/2004). He appears in the film as ” one of the most important DJs who built a basic of NY club culture” with those DJs.
In 1989, DJ NORI came back to Tokyo to be a resident DJ of Tokyo’s legendary club “GOLD”. At the same time, he still keep DJing in abroad including i-D magazine’s party in Italy, NYSOUND FACTORY BAR ”UNDERGROUND NETWORK” ”CAFE CON LETCHE”etc… Its impossible to know exact number he did DJing.
With DJ FUKUBA and TORU TAKAHASHI, DJ NORI has a big party “SMOKER” at LOOP in Aoyama which started 15 years ago. He plays music as if he having conversation with the guest DJs including Lord G, DJ Harvey, Kim Lightfoot. In 2005 he went to Shanghai’s venue “BLOCK60″ to reenact “SMOKER” there.
In 1998, he started another party “GALLERY” at CAY in Aoyama with FUKUBA, KENJI HASEGAWA, ALEX.
Recently, he started party “VOYAGE” at Yellow in Nishiazabu with Toshiyuki Goto, DJ KATSUYA.
In 2013, new party “Tree” has been started at new club Zero.
In 2001, “NORI’s E.P” was released. Danny Krivit was playing a track “Nomad” in Body & Soul before its release date, and licensed in 6 countries in the world. His remix works and compilation album “STIMULATION” series proves his talent.
On Dec of 2006, his first mix album “liquid loft mix” was released on LIQUID RECORDINGS. And in 2013, “We Don’t Know” EP was released on Running Back and Bubbletease Communications which was
To celebrate his 30 year career as a DJ, “DJ NORI 30TH ANNIVERSARY” was held at ageHa with many of his friends including Jocelyn Brown from UK.
DJ NORI’s music choice and groove from his affection and attitude for the music still attract all audience in rest of the world and gaining respects from them.