■The Monkey Business at Tokyo
Opne : 22:00 /Door : 3,000yen 1D W/F : 2,500yen 1D
KOMODO(Jakarta/Akamady Records)
CHIDA(Tokyo/Ene Records)
FFAN(Seoul/The Monkey Business)
BUTCH(Tokyo/Huit Etoiles)
ソウル初のBoiler Roomでのパフォーマンスも話題となった
これまでにEric Duncan、Justin Van Der Volgen、Manfredas、Discos Capablanca、Chida、The Backwoods、Max Essa、Gonno、Butchなどをゲストに招き”CONTRA”を代表する人気パーティとなった”the Monkey Business”が初の東京ショーケースを開催!
今回のthe Monkey Business東京ショーケースには
盟友Jonathan Kusumaと行ったベルリンのギグで、現地でも大きな成功を収めた
Akamady Recordsを主催するKomodoが登場!
さらに国内からはthe Monkey Businessにゲストとして招かれた経験のある
国内と海外のアンダーグラウンド・ダンスミュー ジック・シーンを繋ぐ活動を続けるキーマンの一人Chidaと日本におけるNu Discoシーンの指標的パーティと評されるHuit EtoilesのメンバーButchが登場する!
Seoul has been the most fast-rising city in the Asian underground dance music scene, and Itaewon definitely is in the center of the scene.
Since it’s opening in March 2017, Contra instantly became the representative club of Itaewon underground house music scene.
FFAN, whose Boiler Room debut became so sensational in Seoul, and now is a mascot of Itaewon club scene, has been throwing a regular party named “The Monkey Business” at Contra. With so many great guest DJs like Eric Duncan, Justin Van Der Volgen, Manfredas, Discos Capablanca, Chida, The Backwoods, Max Essa, Gonno, Butch, “The Monkey Business” instantly gained its popularity and became the No.1 party at Contra, that cannot be missed. Now, “The Monkey Business” is throwing parties out of Korea, and the first one will be in Tokyo, Japan.
For this The Monkey Business Tokyo Special Party, Komodo, the boss of Akamady Records and a succesful composer & DJ based in Jakarta, will appear as a very special guest.
Also in country, Chida, the pioneer who connects Tokyo and overseas underground house music scene, and Butch, the member of Huit Etoiles, which is considered as a landmark crew of Japan Nu Disco scene, will be joining too.
Don’t miss out the chance to feel the “Asia Now”