OPEN:23:00~ / DOOR : ¥2000 (1D)
MASCARAS -All Night Long-
(CHIDA & 5ive)
アナログ・レーベル”ene”主宰/DJ。1993年よりレコード・レーベル に身を置き、国内と海外のアンダーグラウンド・ダンスミュー ジック・シーンを繋ぐ活動を続けるキーマンの一人。1992年頃から全国各地でDJ活動を続けてきたが、近年は年に数回の海外ツアーを行っており、これまでに50都市以上のクラブやフェスでプレイしてきた。 2011年にLovefingers主宰ESP InstituteからCOS/MESとのスプリットヴァイナルとしてリリースされた処女作”DANCA”がAndrew Weatherallにヘビープレイされ、彼のミックスCD「MASTERPIECE」(Ministry of Sounds)に収録された事をきっかけに本格的に音楽制作を開始。これまでにオリジナル作はESP Institute、Nitelist Music、Jennifer Cardini主宰Correspondant等からリリース。リミキサーとしてはCoyote, Ess O Ess, This Soft Machine, Bezier等の楽曲のリミックスを手掛け、また、COS/MESの5iveとプロデュース/DJユニットMASCARASでは、ベルリンのDiscodromo主宰CockTail d’Amoreからリリースされた3枚組LPコンピレーションに参加。Jonathan KusumaやObalski、DisruteのRemixを手がけている。現在、Mascaras、ソロ作共に制作進行中。
Revered after more than 20 years as one of the most respected DJs in Tokyo, Chida is front and centre in the exciting new wave of House and Techno DJs who are now finding fame around the world. Chida is famed in his home country for his marathon sets which have been known to last well in excess of 12 hours. Since 2009 Chida has been running his label “Ene”, one of the most respected underground imprints amongst true house music aficionados, boasting a list of contributors including Prins Thomas, Eddie C, Man Power, Tiago, Lord of The Isles and homegrown Japanese talent such as The Backwoods, Cos Mes, and Sly Mongoose. Finally, after so much anticipation following his much sought after debut 12”, Danca, on ESP Institute, Chida is finally about to release more music, with originals and remixes due on both his own label, and several others in 2016. Respected and even, on occasion, name-dropped by such amazing DJs as Eric “Dr Dunks” Duncan, The Idjut Boys, Lindstrom, Mak E, Justin Vandervolgan, Andrew Weatherall , Soft Rocks, Discodromo and a whole load more, Chida is truly a DJ’s DJ. In this modern time where music production all to often takes precedence over true DJing craftsmanship, Chida remains that rarest of phenomena, a performer who has managed to carve out a global DJIng schedule purely from the merits of his sheer skill behind the decks.